15 Nov 2011

Planning for Christmas

It isn't long till Christmas now, the ham has been ordered from our local butcher who specialises in organic and biodynamic products and the menu for the day is taking shape.

I love the whole process of planning days like this... it starts for me with searching through my cookbooks. Deciding how many dishes and the theme of the meal - whether it will be seafood (we live so close to the beach and have access to wonderful seafood straight off the trawlers), hot or cold side dishes, how many courses... the planning is such fun.

Once lists are written and rewritten for the food shopping my thoughts turn to the table and the house in general. What do I have that I can use or perhaps we need a little something new to add to our collection of napkins, placemats, bowls, serving spoons, glasses...

Deciding on the wine to go with each meal is also exciting - cool whites or deep complex reds, to finish with a tropical fruit platter or perhaps a cheese platter from the fabulous Colin James at Maleny with walnuts and pears from the local organic store?

Going local and organic is important to me as is eating to suit (and celebrate) the seasons.

Here in Australia, Christmas is hot so its either seafood and cold dishes or if you simply must have a roast, cooking it outside in a webber to avoid heating up the house.

I'm enjoying planning Christmas this year, aside from the actual day there are drinks to organise with the neighbours and work functions to attend... things are getting busy.

And fingers crossed for a little French connection & inspiration under the tree this year too!


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